Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happiness in 'Doing'

We human beings are funny. We always say to ourselves that if only I can get this thing or achieve that, it would bring us eternal happiness. But once we do get it, we will experience momentary happiness and eventually drift back to sadness. Why? Because we want something else again!

We mistake that happiness comes from achievement. And the longer we go about it we will soon find ourselves completely unsatisfied no matter how much we get. For man is a ever progressive evolutionary being.

What then is the remedy which points the way to eternal happiness? It is the Journey! Not the Destination.

Once we can have our mind detached from the result and simply enjoy the process of doing it. We will soon find that winning or losing do not matter anymore and the enjoyment of the process of going there is much more important. And there we will experience eternal happiness.

But of course we still have our eyes towards our goal so we may have something to aim at, but we are no longer so ridiculously attached to it to the extent that it brings us fear whenever doubts enters the mind saying we might not get it.

The process itself becomes our destination for it brings us joy. But our success rate in achieving the goal becomes so much higher in proportion by doing this than to be rigidly attached solely towards the achievement.

"I never did a day’s work in my life. It was all fun." ~ Edison

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