Monday, February 20, 2012

A Dig On Ideas

If you were to ask yourself what would be the most valuable thing to be desired in the whole world. Life would give you one answer: It is Ideas.

Ideas are very often underestimated. To the naked eye it is seemingly unimportant and invaluable. Partly because nobody can see our ideas except for ourselves. It is but a tiny bubble in our head carrying with it a picture of a unique yet unfinished work. But something as subtle as an idea is all responsible for all of the greatest achievements mankind has ever known. And we often mistake their achievements for tremendous physical action and mental fortitude. Not knowing that it is really ideas which motivated people to do those tremendous things. 

The light bulb that illuminated the world was once a idea held in mind

Money, a tiny piece of paper that has the whole world working for it was once a idea held in mind

The computer that simplified all our perplexes was once a idea held in mind

All the succeeding evolution of inventions today were all ideas held in mind

The legacy of a person who has died that is passed down from person to person is also a idea held in mind

Without ideas, tremendous physical and mental capabilities becomes futile, because there is no purpose, no destination. Ideas can only be called as such if it is unique and if its a thought no one has thought before. Unique ideas, when acted upon, can change the course of world, just as the previous great ideas have done so far.

Now that we know the value of it, let's start to shift our awareness to be more conscious of them as soon as they appear in our minds and start to take them more seriously. We all had numbers of great ideas that came to us but we never had them acted out. But we know beyond a doubt that it is one good idea [Laughter]

Let us not wait for the time that our ideas may be acted upon by someone else, had we taking our own ideas more seriously. But nevertheless, if you are one of those who loves ideas you may even have to consider yourself to be very lucky. 

We invariably witness that most people do not talk about ideas, and would prefer to talk about things that would just pass. So it would definitely be a pleasure to be one of the few who are very interested in thinking and talking about ideas. Some people miss it out and argue that the best method when it comes to achieving success is by working on their personal development, acquiring more discipline and to strive towards monetary goals. While all of those are well, but without ideas, you will still end up working for people who has them.

But remember as well that ideas are only bubbles in our mind with a picture of an unfinished work. Therefore the courage to put those ideas into action is a necessity to bring those ideas into life. There will definitely be some trials and errors along the way but if a person sticks to the attainment of it, he will inevitably break the ice and put his ideas across.

"What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? A intestinal worm? Uhh.. What Mr. Cobb is trying to say. An idea. Resilient, highly contagious. Once an Idea has taken hold of the brain its almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed fully understood, that sticks, right in there somewhere" ~Inception Movie

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