Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Simple Way for Getting Smart

They say that the average person only uses 10% of his brain's true potential. It may be true but by it it has limited the thinking of men that 10% is the furthest they can get. Unknown to them that the percentage of the brain he is using is constantly increasing at certain times and decreasing at some point due to certain reasons that has prompt it. There are reasons behind intellectual inclination and declination, therefore if man knows how, he can freely increase his intellectual abilities at will.

Think of the mind as a vehicle. A vehicle in itself is designed for reducing human efforts largely in means of transportation. But despite all its capabilities, a vehicle cannot function any of them without FUEL. The mind therefore, has capabilities we are yet to know of, but is kept dormant because of the absence of FUEL. Our mind requires this certain fuel in order to accelerate our mental process to a high plane. Then the 10% in which we are used to is gradually stretched higher.

Now this mental fuel which I am talking about is unlike mechanical fuel which must be bought. You need not to, for this mental fuel is produced within. It is our EMOTIONS. Our own emotions are our mental fuel. Think back of the times when you were inspired over a great idea, it can hardly get off your mind and thoughts, ideas and plans quickly came rushing in your head without any effort, your intellectual abilities have increased. But notice when you are bored down and out, not a single whisper of idea comes to you. You see, our emotions fuels our mind to function higher and better and without it, we are like zombies.

Now that you have taken emotions to a brand new perspective, I'd want you to be aware that this precious fuel is often times wasted and depleted through unworthy tasks (too plenty to mention) which could have been directed into achieving constructive ideals.

If you look at the greatest people from the past till our present time, all of them without exception are people who knows how to direct their emotions along with a specific purpose or ideal, they work hard until that ideal is achieved, and when it is, they become inspired yet again for another bigger and greater ideal and begins again to work until it is at hand. They never get enough of it, its an addiction, but the difference is simply that their emotions have served them for the better unlike most which have made their emotions contribute to their own loss.

 Credit goes to whom I learned this from: Gilbert B. Guiroy Founder of Oneness Society

Without inspiration the best powers of the mind remain dormant. There is a fuel in us which needs to be ignited with sparks.
Johann Gottfried Von Herder

1 comment:

  1. Hey Justin,

    Great insights there!

    Thanks for sharing your ideas on how to fuel ourselves to take action and harness our true potential.

    Keep coming!

    ~ Homer
